18.9 C
Πέμπτη 25 Απρίλιος 2024 | 4:30

Information Technology Manager

Delorbis Pharmaceuticals Ltd invites applications for the position of Information Technology Manager based at our premises in Nicosia, CYPRUS.

Qualifications and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Infrastructure Technology or Computer Science or equivalent.
  • Proven experience in managing IT Infrastructure and services or experience with computer network or equivalent.
  • Pharmaceutical’s experience will be considered an advantage.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for implementing, operating, and developing the software landscape of business-critical applications. As far as groupwide IT platforms are affected (ERP, CRM) coordination with affiliated companies.
  • Responsible for the smooth and reliable operations of the technological aspects of the company consisting of corporate computers, telecommunication equipment, access control, time and attendance, fire and security alarms, and security cameras.
  • Create a cost-benefit analysis as well as supporting a detailed definition of data requirements and departmental workflows.
  • Manage the day-to-day operations of the information technology department including directing staff who support administrative computing, networking, user services, telecommunications, and other information technology functions.
  • Other duties as required at the direction of the Management.

Please mention the relevant code: ITM-006 for this position and send us your CV by 09th July 2022 at: [email protected]

All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.


17 Athinon Street, Ergates Industrial Area

2643 Ergates, P.O. Box 28629,

2081 Lefkosia, Cyprus. Europe.


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