17.9 C
Κυριακή 17 Νοέμβριος 2024 | 18:38

Accountant – A.J.K. Bureau of Consultants Limited

On behalf of a client based in Larnaca, A.J.K. Bureau of Consultants Limited

is seeking to recruit a professional for the below position:


General Requirements for the position:

  • Bachelor degree in Accounting/Economics/Finance and/or LCCI Higher Certificate in Accounting or any other related field
  • At least three years of working experience in the Accounting field in a similar position
  • High level of motivation and willingness to learn
  • Excellent communication and team working skills
  • Excellent time management and organizational skills
  • Strong numerical and analytical skills
  • Great attention to detail and ability to deal with confidential matters professionally
  • Excellent computer literacy, especially Excel and any accounting software. Sage50 and Caseware knowledge will be considered as an advantage
  • Excellent communication skills in Greek and English language

Job Responsibilities include:

  • Recording of accounting transactions in the accounting software
  • Document and file accounting transactions and the respective supporting documentation in an organized matter
  • Preparation through the accounting software of a General Ledger, Trial Balance and Management Accounts
  • Liaison with the auditors for the companies preparing Audited Financial Statements to provide to them the accounting information and detailed supporting documentation and answer all audit queries with target to complete the preparation of the Audit
  • Liaising professionally and effectively with clients and corporate officers of the client
  • Manage the status of accounts and balances, identify inconsistencies
  • Prepare VAT returns
  • Basic knowledge of VAT and Tax laws
  • Preparation of monthly payroll will be considered as an advantage



An attractive remuneration package as well as Medical Insurance will be offered to the successful applicant.

Interested candidates should send their resume by email to [email protected] by 30th August, 2021.

All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.


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